What Happens When A Contractor Gets Injured While Maintaining An Apartment Complex In New York?

The vast number of apartment buildings in New York require an almost constant level of maintenance. Untold numbers of contractors work around the clock to provide apartment dwellers with a range of services, including plumbing, HVAC, landscaping, general handyman services, and much more. With so many people working on apartment buildings, injuries are inevitable. But what happens when contractors become injured? Who is responsible for providing a safe working environment?
If you have been injured while providing services to apartment buildings, it’s important to reach out to an experienced New York City personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. With the right legal assistance, you can pursue justice and an adequate settlement. Connect with a professional, and they can help you determine who was at fault for your damages. You deserve compensation for your injuries, so get legal help as soon as possible.
Who Owns the Property?
To determine who is responsible for a contractor’s injuries, you must first determine who actually owns the property. If it’s a rental apartment building, the property owner is usually the landlord. If the apartment building is filled with people who actually own their units, then these are the property owners. In this situation, liability may fall on either the corporation or the individual homeowner, and this usually depends on where the injury took place. The lawyer will conduct an extensive title search to find out who owns the property. This is usually the first step in identifying the responsible parties.
Where Did the Injury Take Place?
If the injury took place inside a homeowner’s unit, then they would most likely be liable for injuries. For example, if a homeowner hires a contractor to put new tiling in their bathroom, they would most likely assume responsibility for the work environment. However, if a contractor works on the “common property” or “shared common property” of the apartment, then the corporate owner may be held liable. For example, the corporate may hire plumbers to redo the entire piping system of the building.
How Can a Contractor Prove Liability?
Generally speaking, all homeowners have a responsibility to provide a safe working environment for contractors. However, this responsibility has its limits. New York courts assess each situation based on what a “reasonable” individual would be expected to do in the same situation. If a homeowner is aware of a hazard and does nothing to address the issue or inform contractors of the danger, they may be held liable. On the other hand, contractors are also expected to assume some level of responsibility for their own actions, especially if a “reasonable” individual would be expected to act with greater caution.
Get in Touch with a Qualified Attorney as Soon as Possible
If you’ve been searching New York for a qualified, experienced personal injury attorney, you don’t have look any further than Michael Gunzburg, P.C. We’ll help you handle the situation in an efficient manner. Not only will we help you determine who is at fault for your injury, but we’ll also help you pursue an adequate, and fair settlement. These funds can cover your lost wages and medical expenses, so get in touch with us as soon as possible.