How Building Code Violations Can Lead To Injuries In New York

Some property owners might believe that the building code in New York is a needless source of bureaucratic complexity, headaches, and potential fines. However, a major reason for establishing the building code was to promote safety for innocent workers, and members of the public. New York’s building code isn’t just a collection of arbitrary, random rules. These regulations have been carefully thought out by professionals who understand the various safety hazards that might be present in a building. When property owners and their contractors violate these building codes, they often result in serious injuries on their work sites.
So what happens if you become injured due to a property owner or general contractor’s building code violations? Your first step should be to get in touch with a qualified, experienced personal injury attorney in New York. These legal professionals can help you prove that a building code violation was the direct cause of your accident. They can also help you hold the property owner and the general contractor accountable for their negligence. Finally, your attorney can help you receive a substantial settlement for your damages. These damages might include medical expenses, lost wages, and even more.
Railings and Balconies
One of the most important aspects of the building code pertains to balconies and railings. Whenever there is a risk of someone falling a long distance or an elevated height, the property owner must adhere to the proper regulations. This usually means installing sturdy, safe railings or other barriers that prevent people from falling off the edge of high areas. Many innocent workers are seriously injured and even killed when owners and general contractors fail or refuse to provide adequate fall protection.
There are very specific staircase regulations in New York. As any seasoned builder will tell you, crafting stairs is something of an art form. If you create stairs that are too steep, they become unsafe. Too shallow, and the stairs cannot fit within the allotted space. The risers and treads must also fall within the required parameters. If the treads are too short, people will struggle to place their feet on each step. This can cause individuals to stumble. Falling down the stairs can lead to extremely serious injuries and even death, especially for older individuals.
The building code also lays out regulations for lighting in a building. This is important for a many reasons. Foremost, it’s difficult to see where you’re walking if there is inadequate lighting. You could easily step on a defect or construction materials that were left out and that you can’t even see are present. This makes it easier to stumble, fall and injure yourself.
Building Code Violations and Strict Liability
When a property owner or general contractor commits a building code violation, you can hold them strictly liable for your injuries. In other words, proving negligence is easier. All you have to do is show that a building code violation existed and caused your injury, and you can hold the property owner and general contractor liable for your resulting injuries.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified, Experienced Attorney Today
The building code can be quite complex, and it makes sense to get help from a legal professional if you’re filing a personal injury lawsuit. Reach out to New York City construction accident lawyer Michael Gunzburg, P.C. at your earliest convenience, and we can help you move forward in an efficient, confident manner. If a property owner or general contractor violates the building code, they are putting others at risk. It becomes much easier to establish negligence when these violations are clear. Book your consultation today, and we can hold property owners and general contractors accountable together.