$8.3 million Awarded to Baltimore Family in Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

A Baltimore, Maryland jury returned with an $8.3 verdict for the grief-stricken family of a man who suffered medical malpractice at the hands of his doctors during a surgery in 2019. According to local news reports, 53-year-old Zesis Karavas was treated at the University of Maryland Medical Center by surgeons Dr. Talal Al-Quoud and Dr. Naeem Goussous on May 29, 2019. Karavas required medical treatment to remove his left kidney due to a growth that was growing in the organ. The surgery started out as a laparoscopic surgery, but then was converted to an open surgery. During the surgery, Karavas’ lawyers allege that Karavas’ colon was perforated, but Karavas’ surgeons did not become aware of it at the time. After the surgery, Karavas is said to have suffered from low blood pressure and odors emanating from his surgical drain. Karavas then received a second round of surgery the next day to determine the cause of the post-surgical symptoms. During the second surgery, Karavas’ doctors found a 1-centimeter hole in his colon, which they described as “probably missed from blunt injury from an instrument.” As a result of the injury to his colon, surgeons removed the entire organ from Karavas’ body. Karavas subsequently stayed in the hospital until his death just months later in July, 2019. Medical records indicate that Karavas died due to “a perforated colon and multiple system organ failure.”
Finding Karavas’ medical providers liable for medical malpractice that led to his death, the Baltimore jury called to hear the case awarded a total of $8.3 million to Karavas’ family under Maryland medical malpractice laws and wrongful death laws. $6 million was awarded to Karavas’ family by the jury for wrongful death claims, and $2.3 million for the survival action. However, the $8.3 million award is set to be reduced by approximately $1.3 million, as Maryland laws establish a cap or “ceiling” on noneconomic damages.
Of the case and tragic death of their patient, the University of Maryland Medical Center stated, UMMC is “committed to ensuring that every patient is treated with compassion, dignity, and respect. We recognize that the Karavas family suffered a tragic loss, and this case understandably evoked a strong emotional response…Although we respect the jury’s verdict, we very much stand by the care delivered by our dedicated physicians and healthcare team.”
Legal Help for the Families of Victims of Fatal Medical Malpractice in New York City
If your loved one died as a result of a doctor or medical professional’s medical malpractice in New York City, reach out to an experienced New York City Medical Malpractice lawyer as soon as possible to learn about your rights and options. The experienced New York City medical malpractice lawyers at the law office of Michael Gunzburg, P.C. offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your case and to see if they can help get you and your family justice due to you under New York medical malpractice and wrongful death laws. Contact the experienced New York City medical malpractice lawyers at Michael Gunzburg, P.C. and speak to an experienced medical malpractice lawyer about your case for free.