What Is The Most Dangerous Intersection In New York City?

If you’ve been driving in New York for a few years, you know that there are some spots that seem to attract more accidents, than other locations. You may have decided to avoid these intersections entirely after many close calls, or perhaps you’ve learned that extra caution is required when you pass by them. Whatever the case may be, there are clearly parts of New York where accidents are more common. Drivers are often to blame for the high number of accidents, but sometimes the City itself is responsible for not making these intersections safer for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.
Try as you might to pass through these intersections unharmed, sometimes injuries are unavoidable. In this situation, the only way to move forward effectively is to get in touch with a qualified personal injury attorney as soon as possible. With help from one of these legal professionals, you can recover a substantial settlement that will help you pay your medical bills, get your lost wages and help you get the compensation you deserve.
Tillard Street and Flatbush Avenue
According to a study published in 2017, the most dangerous intersection in all of New York State is Tillard Street and Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn. This intersection represents a convergence of traffic from multiple sources. Motorists from the Manhattan Bridge, the Brooklyn Bridge, and the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway are all channeled together into this one intersection, so you can probably imagine why this intersection is so dangerous and accidents are so common. Data shows that there had been 425 collisions in this intersection during a five-year period between 2012 and 2017. Other safety experts believe that the intersection averages about 180-200 collisions each year. That’s about 1 crash every other day.
Has Vision Zero Been a Success?
Part of the plan for Mayor de Blasio’s “Vision Zero” program was to make the Brooklyn Bridge safer. By extension, this would have addressed many of the issues associated with the this dangerous intersection. Among other things, a nearby pedestrian walkway was added as well as a bike lane. So has Vision Zero been a success?
Without doubt, the goal to achieve zero traffic fatalities is worth pursuing. That being said, Brooklyn has recently seen a considerable increase in traffic deaths. In July of 2021, it was reported that the borough had seen a record number of traffic fatalities since the inception of Vision Zero. The grim total of 30 fatalities in Brooklyn within the first half of the year means that the borough is on track to achieving the deadliest year of de Blasio’s administration. With these kinds of statistics, one has to wonder how effective is Vision Zero?
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
If you have been injured in a New car accident, legal representation is crucial. Reach out to skilled New York City auto accident lawyer Michael Gunzburg, P.C. at your earliest convenience, and you can approach this situation with a measure of confidence and efficiency. We have helped countless injury victims in New York, and we can do the same for you. Lawsuits help authorities in New York recognize just how dangerous these intersections have become. Sometimes they can also help prevent future accidents from occurring at the same locations. Book your free consultation today.