New York City Woman Awarded $110 Million in Medical Malpractice Lawsuit – Where to Find a Medical Malpractice Lawyer in New York City

Back in 2019, a Bronx, New York City grandmother was awarded $110.6 million in damages against the negligent local hospital and doctors that treated her in a medical malpractice lawsuit. The unfortunate case all began nearly 10 years earlier, in 2010, when plaintiff Keimoneia Redish visited St. Barnabas Hospital after suffering from an asthma attack. After that hospital visit, instead of getting better from the attack, Ms. Redish’s condition became much worse.
In her medical malpractice lawsuit, Ms. Redish alleged that doctors at St. Barnabas hospital should have made the decision to transfer her to a different hospital that had better equipment to treat her symptoms. St. Barnabas did not have the advanced technology and equipment that was needed to treat Ms. Redish, she alleged, which resulted in her ultimately suffering brain damage from carbon dioxide build-up in her brain. Ms. Redish was confined to the hospital for a total of 328 days during her harrowing medical ordeal, and had to also stay in nursing homes until 2011, when she was released back to her home. Ms. Redish is now confined to a wheelchair and cannot live independently. She is now cared for by her partner. Of the terrible medical malpractice case that left her permanently disabled, Ms. Redish simply stated, “I don’t want to be this way.”
Legal Help for Medical Malpractice Victims in New York City under New York Medical Malpractice Laws
It is important for New York City residents and patients to know that if they are injured by their treating doctors or hospital, they may be entitled to money compensation for their injuries and losses. Under New York medical malpractice laws, when a doctor or hospital fails to meet the standard of care set forth by the law, and injures a patient as a result, they may be liable for the patient’s damages. Medical malpractice cases under New York laws are complex, and there is a limited time to file a claim for compensation. Accordingly, it is best to speak with an experienced New York City medical malpractice lawyer about your specific case as soon as possible after a serious medical malpractice injury occurs.
A Law Firm in New York City that Helps Victims of Medical Malpractice
If you or a loved one were injured by your doctor, hospital, or treating medical team in New York City, the next step that you should take is to speak with an experienced New York City medical malpractice lawyer. The experienced New York City medical malpractice lawyers at the law office of Michael Gunzburg, P.C. are here to help victims of medical malpractice in New York City get justice for their injuries caused by negligent doctors. Do not hesitate to learn about your rights under New York medical malpractice laws today. Contact the law office of Michael Gunzburg, P.C. and speak to an experienced New York City lawyer about your case now.