I was Injured by a Negligent Doctor but I signed a Consent Form. Do I Have a Case? Your New York City Medical Malpractice Questions Answered

When we are treated by our medical teams at the hospital or in a clinic, we trust skilled and experienced doctors and medical professionals to treat us carefully while they have our health and lives in their hands. However, although we respect, trust, and highly regard the medical professionals that treat us for our minor and serious conditions, the truth of the matter is that doctors are humans, and medical malpractice can and does happen more frequently than it should. Indeed, lives are lost every year due to the medical malpractice of doctors and other medical professionals entrusted to treat and care for those who are sick and otherwise in need. Accordingly, New York City medical patients may be at risk of injury due to a doctor’s medical malpractice. But what happens if a New York City medical malpractice victim signed an “informed consent” form? Do they still have any rights and options to justice under New York medical malpractice laws? To help New York City medical malpractice victims better understand their rights –even when they have signed informed consent forms – we answer those important questions here.
Informed Consent – What is It and What does It Mean?
Simply put, an “informed consent” form is a routine form provided at a doctor’s office or hospital prior to a patient’s procedure that advises them of the nature of the procedure, the risks, benefits, and alternatives to the procedure, and obtains the patient’s agreement to undergo the procedure. Informed consent forms are required for doctors and other medical professionals to have their patients sign in order to perform medical procedures, barring some circumstances, such as emergencies in which the patient is not able to consent. Doctors frequently say that as my patient you signed an informed consent form and you agreed to undergo the procedure. But the question remains, is a signed informed consent form a complete defense to medical negligence? The short answer is no.
Overcoming Informed Consent in New York City Medical Malpractice Cases
The good news is that even if a medical malpractice victim signed an informed consent form prior to a procedure that was performed negligently, they may still have a medical malpractice claim under New York City medical malpractice laws against their doctor and the hospital. Whether a medical malpractice victim may be entitled to compensation for their injuries, despite informed consent, depends on the facts and circumstances of the victim’s specific case. Therefore, it is always best to speak with an experienced New York City medical malpractice lawyer about the facts of your case as soon as possible after a serious medical malpractice injury occurs.
Legal Help for Victims of Medical Malpractice in New York City
If you were injured by your doctor’s negligence in New York City, do not hesitate to learn about your rights and options. Contact the experienced New York City medical malpractice lawyers at the law firm of Michael Gunzburg, P.C. The experienced New York City medical malpractice lawyers at the law firm of Michael Gunzburg, P.C. assist New York City medical malpractice victims in getting compensation due for their injuries and losses under New York City medical malpractice laws. Contact the experienced New York City medical malpractice lawyers at the law firm of Michael Gunzburg, P.C. today and speak to a lawyer about your case now.