Do You Think Medical Malpractice is Rare in America? If Yes, Read these Startling Statistics

There is no doubt that we place a lot of trust in the doctors, medical professionals, and hospitals that treat us when we are injured or sick. While doctors certainly must go through a lengthy education and rigorous training, the truth of the matter is that doctors and other medical professionals are human, and medical malpractice cases can and do happen. Accordingly, while we must entrust doctors with our most sacred and valuable thing (our health), we should do so mindfully, and aware of the facts when it comes to medical malpractice. To help New York City residents and patients better understand the landscape when it comes to medical malpractice in the United States, we share statistics from Forbes magazine here.
2024 Statistics Reveal Prevalence of Medical Malpractice in U.S., Types of Medical Malpractice More Common than Others
According to Forbes, in the United States today, medical malpractice happens on a daily basis in hospitals, health care clinics, and other healthcare, elective care, and emergency care facilities. In addition, Forbes investigated just how frequent medical malpractice occurs in the United States. The statistics are revealing and paint a picture of what medical malpractice looks like in America today. Here are some of the startling facts about medical malpractice in the U.S. today:
- When it comes to medical malpractice lawsuits, one in three healthcare providers will be named in a lawsuit during their practice;
- “Avoidable errors” occur in 3-15% of all medical cases;
- The medical malpractice mistake of providing a misdiagnosis is one of the most prevalent doctor errors;
- The most common conditions that doctors negligently misdiagnose are cancer, infections, and vascular events;
- The type of health care provider that is most likely to be subject to a lawsuit is surgeons;
- In addition to surgical errors, prescription medication errors are also common, with insulin and morphine being the top prescription medications where health care professionals make prescription errors.
Rights of Patients Who have Suffered Medical Malpractice at the Hands of their Health Care Providers
In New York City, when a patient who is treated by a doctor or other health care professional receives negligent treatment, and they are seriously injured, they may be entitled to money compensation for their injuries and losses. Importantly, there is a limited time to file a claim for compensation for medical malpractice in New York City, so it is best to speak with an experienced New York City medical malpractice lawyer as soon as possible about your rights and options.
Legal Help for Medical Malpractice Victims in New York City
If you or a loved one suffered medical malpractice at the hands of your trusted health care professionals in New York City, contact the experienced New York City medical malpractice lawyers at the law office of Michael Gunzburg, P.C. The experienced New York City medical malpractice lawyers at the law office of Michael Gunzburg, P.C. help New York City medical malpractice victims get justice. Contact the law office of Michael Gunzburg, P.C. today and speak to an experienced lawyer about your case now.