Do You Suspect Your Newborn Baby was Injured During Birth by a Negligent Doctor? If the Answer is “Yes”, Act Now by Taking These Important Steps

Birth should be a joyful time for every new New York City family. The welcoming of a new baby into the world and into the arms of its expectant and excited family members should be a time for celebration, planning bright futures, and time with loved ones at home. However, the unfortunate reality is that birth injuries happen in New York City hospitals more often than they ever should, and newborn babies may suffer from injuries that may be unexplainable to new parents and family members. These injuries may be caused by a doctor’s medical malpractice during birth, and, if so, the baby’s medical condition can become extremely serious. But what should brand new New York City parents do if they suspect that something has happened to their loved one during the labor and delivery process? To help new parents in New York City navigate the challenging issue of a newborn’s birth injury due to doctor medical malpractice, we answer that question here.
Parents of Babies with Birth Injuries Should Seek Treatment Right Away
If you suspect that your baby has suffered a birth injury during the labor and delivery process due to the negligence of your doctor or labor and delivery medical team, it is important to seek medical treatment for your baby as soon as possible. Your baby may need medical help, and without further medical intervention, the baby’s medical condition may worsen. In addition, it is important to know what happened to the baby and have a record of the assessing doctor’s medical records.
New York City Parents Should Know Their Rights under New York Medical Malpractice Laws
New York City parents should be aware that they have rights if their baby was injured during the labor and delivery process under New York medical malpractice laws. If a labor and delivery doctor or medical team caused your baby’s birth injuries in New York City, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and losses.
Documenting a Potential Birth Injury
If you suspect that a negligent doctor or labor and delivery team caused your baby’s injuries, it is important to begin gathering potential evidence. If you decide to bring a medical malpractice lawsuit in New York City under New York medical malpractice laws, it will be important to have the medical records from the hospital, as well as other information to support your medical malpractice claims. This information may include written summaries and records of the treatment your baby received, and documents regarding the labor and delivery as well as the birth injury, such as any tests, billing records, and other documents related to the care or condition of the child.
New York City Parents Should Seek Legal Assistance with Their Baby’s Birth Injury Case
If a New York City parent suspects that their baby may have suffered a birth injury at the hands of their doctor or medical team, they should consult with an experienced New York City birth injury lawyer as soon as possible about their case to learn about their rights and options to justice and compensation under New York medical malpractice laws.
If you suspect that your baby was injured by a negligent doctor or labor and delivery team, do not hesitate to speak with an experienced New York City birth injury lawyer. The experienced New York City birth injury lawyers at the law firm of Michael Gunzburg, P.C. are here to help New York City parents with their birth injury medical malpractice cases. Contact Michael Gunzburg, P.C. and speak to a lawyer about your rights under New York medical malpractice laws now.